I'm a professional web developer with several years of experience across all major platforms based in Northern Colorado.
I have a love for clean code, clean (and of course usable) interfaces, responsive web design, and the Joomla! Content Management System (it does rock after all!). Having the opportunity to speak to others about my passions — whether in the classroom or at conferences — is a great feeling. Toss in a knack for photography, a healthy dose of rock 'n roll and you've got me hooked.
Some other quick things to consider:
- Perfecting Joomla 3.x to Joomla 4.x updates.
- Ranch life during the summer months.
- Vacations are a must. Mostly time in the mountains.
- There is never "too much" ice cream.
- Seeing Metallica perform 3 times a year isn't enough.